Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Apple Media Event Invitations
Well, it looks like Apple's media event is right around the corner. Along with that, Apple has begun sending out invitations. The tagline is..."It's almost here." And the masses are ready.
Apple Invitations
Monday, September 3, 2012
Stuttgart Apple Store Link to iPhone Launch
In a city just outside Stuttgart, an Apple Retail store is getting ready to open. There is news that says the grand opening date has moved to work with the new iPhone launch expected this month. Read the full article and let me know if you think there is a true connection.
Stuttgart Apple Store
Stuttgart Apple Store
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Physical Mockups of iPad Mini
Along with the iPhone mockups, there are now iPad Mini mockups. The mockups fit the rumored specs. Will Apple surprise the rumor sites with different designs upon release?
iPad Mini Mockups
New Headphones With New iPhone?
It looks like we may see some redesigned headphones with the release of the next iPhone. This peripheral wasn't previously mentioned on the various rumor sites. More details are below.
New Headphones
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Safari Tips
If you are having any issues with Safari, you may want to read this article. It addresses two issues some users have had with Safari. It may help with current issues or issues you may see in the future.
Safari Tips
Fully Assembled iPhone 5
This article says the fully assembled iPhone 5 was caught on video in Berlin. If this is true, we have our first glimpse of the device which looks a lot like what all the rumors were saying. I kind of wonder if that is a decoy, but it matches the rumors. I guess we'll see in about a week and a half. Click below for the video.
Update: This is just a mockup of the device. See the more details link.
iPhone 5
More Details
Friday, August 31, 2012
New iPhone in Action
MacRumors has a video demo of what the new iPhone would look like in action. Tune in below to watch. The release is getting closer!
iPhone Video Demo
iPhone Video Demo
Walmart Testing iPhone Checkout
Walmart is testing a new checkout system using the iPhone. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but maybe it will cut down on long lines.
Walmart iPhone Checkout System
Sharp's iPhone Screen Production Behind Schedule
I just think this picture looks cool! Anyway, the latest rumor is that Sharp is behind in its iPhone display production. This could mean it may be harder for everyone to get their hands on the new iPhone when it's released. But there are two other companies producing displays for the iPhone as well.
Sharp's iPhone Screen Production
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Parallels 8 Upgrade for Existing Users
Existing customers can now upgrade to Parallels 8. It's not a free upgrade, but still a good upgrade. For non-existing customers, if you're not familiar with this application, it let's you run Windows (and other operating systems) alongside OSX. This can be good for new Mac users that still prefer the familiarity of Windows. It can also help if some applications aren't supported by OSX. Read below for what the new update offers and find out when the full version will be available for new customers.
Parallels 8 Upgrade
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Apple May Upgrade AirPlay
AirPlay currently works via WiFi. It is a great application. There is talk that Apple is going to upgrade AirPlay to not only work over WiFi but to work by creating a connection between 2 devices. All the details are below.
AirPlay Upgrade
AirPlay Upgrade
Apple 1 Going Up For Auction
An Apple 1 is going up for auction. The previous one that was auctioned sold for over $300K. I wish I had an Apple 1 to auction. More details are below.
Apple 1 For Auction
Apple 1 For Auction
Sunday, August 26, 2012
AT&T Vacation Blackout
AT&T has set vacation blackout dates. Now, why would they do that? Could it be to launch a new smartphone? Perhaps, it's not just any smartphone...but the new iPhone! Read below for the exact blackout dates.
AT&T Vacation Blackout
Friday, August 24, 2012
Verdict in Apple/Samsung Trial
This article discusses the verdict for the Apple/Samsung trial and the impact it had on Apple's stock.
Apple/Samsung Trial Verdict
Apple's Stock Hits New High Again
Tim Cook took over as CEO about a year ago. Everyone had questions about the future of Apple without Steve Jobs when Cook first took office...and some people still have those questions. This article shows how Tim Cook's first year as CEO went.
Apple's New High
Apple's New High
More iPhone/iPad Mini Rumors
Below is the latest rumor about the new iPhone and iPad Mini release. There is a possibility they won't be announced together.
More Rumors
More Rumors
New Mountain Lion Update
Mountain Lion released a new update. Read through the article to see what the update offers and/or corrects.
Mountain Lion Update
VMWare Fusion 5
VMWare released a new version of Fusion that supports Mountain Lion and Windows 8. Also, Fusion's competition, Parallels, is preparing to release an updated version.
VMWare Fusion 5
Facebook Releases Updated App
Facebook has just released an updated app for IOS devices. This app was rewritten and is said to be faster. More details are below.
Facebook Releases Updated App
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Updated Blog Layout
Okay, so now there is an updated layout. Please refer to the tabs at the top of the blog for Apple information. This way, you can get all the latest Apple news and rumors while my blog focuses more on providing tips. Please provide any constructive feedback on the new layout as I continue to make this blog better.
iPad Mini Production Ramp Up in September?
There are more rumors that the iPad Mini will ramp up production in September to be ready for the holiday season. Who is excited about the iPad Mini? I'm just curious. I know a lot of people are waiting for the new iPhone. Is this an added bonus?
iPad Mini Production
iPad Mini Production
Steam Offers Counter Strike on Mac
I'm sure there are some Mac gamers that have been waiting on this. Steam released Counter Strike: Global Offensive for Mac. You just have to make sure your Mac meets the minimum requirements. Read on for all the details.
Counter Strike on Mac
iTunes Account Security
iTunes has increased its security by adding security questions and a rescue email. More details are below.
iTunes Account Security
iTunes Account Security
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Is Your Mac Not Sleeping?
Are you having issues with your Mac not sleeping? This article shows you how to determine what is keeping your Mac from sleeping. You just have to be comfortable using Terminal.
Mac Not Sleeping?
Projectbook App Review
Are you trying to get more organization in your life? Projectbook may be the app for you. To find out, you can either look at the app description in iTunes, read the review below, or do both.
Projectbook Review
Projectbook Review
Run Most Windows Games on Mac
Do you like Macs but can't play all the games you want? This article provides another option to allow you to play most Windows games on a Mac.
Windows Games on Mac
Monday, August 20, 2012
Apple Most Valuable Public Stock Ever?
Apple's shares continue to rise even after its quarterly miss and it seems people still expect big things from this tech giant.
Most Valuable Public Stock Ever?
Apple Geniuses Serve 50K Customers Daily
As more people move to Macs and other Apple products, more customers look to the Apple Geniuses for help and support.
Geniuses Serve 50K Users Daily
Ecoute Music App
The Ecoute app offers another option for playing music on your IOS device. The article and iTunes App link are below for more details and reviews.
Ecoute Music App
iTunes Page
How To Unsubscribe iPad Magazines
Do you have more iPad magazines subscriptions than you need? Is the recurring cost too much? I'm not really a fan of subscription services because you have to keep up with how much of your hard earned money leaves your account every month. If you are trying to cut down on your subscriptions, below are instructions to do so.
Unsubscribe iPad Magazines
Should Apple Create an IOS Camera?
Would you buy a camera that takes great pictures with IOS on it to do even more? I think it's an interesting idea, but not one that I have ever thought about. Personally, I prefer to have one device that does a lot of things like the iPhone or iPad instead of carrying multiple devices. I'm sure there are aspiring to professional photographers that want a better camera option than the iPhone. Perhaps, this is what they need.
IOS Camera?
IOS Camera?
AT&T to Discontinue iPad Subsidies
It looks like AT&T will no longer offer subsidized iPads with 2 year contracts. More details below.
No More iPad Subsidies
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The iPhone's Worth
10 years ago, would you have ever thought that today Apple would be the world's most valuable company? Along those lines, would you have ever thought the iPhone sales would be worth more than Microsoft's sales? Read on for the rest of the article.
iPhones Worth
iPhones Worth
iPod Nano Watch Kit
Now, your iPod Nano can have more style as you wear it as a watch. It's a nice, creative concept. I don't own a Nano but this makes me consider it.
iPod Nano Watch Kit
Can Apple Continue to Win After Steve Jobs?
How will Apple move forward after Steve Jobs? Will they carry on his ideas? Some people say Steve Jobs left behind a roadmap for the next few years. This article suggests that Apple is falling behind the competition. Read the article and let me know what you think. Does it have any merit?
Can Apple Win After Steve Jobs?
New iPhone Front Panel
As anticipation builds to see what Apple will offer in the new iPhone, photos continue to surface to give us an idea of what to expect.
New iPhone Front Panel
New iPhone Front Panel
Walmart Offers $100 iTunes Gift card for $80
Walmart is offering a $100 iTunes/App Store gift card for $80. That's good news for anyone looking to save some money.
$80 for $100 Giftcard
$80 for $100 Giftcard
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Does iPad Offer Cheaper Textbooks?
This article does a comparison between buying textbooks for the iPad and buying physical textbooks. Take a look at the numbers to see if the iPad is more beneficial.
Does iPad Offer Cheaper Textbooks?
Does iPad Offer Cheaper Textbooks?
Crackle App Update
Crackle is an app that lets you watch free movies and TV shows. This app has a new update that includes a new design and AirPlay support. Click the link for more details.
Crackle App Update
AppleTV Hacks Giveaway
AppleTV Hacks recently passed a Facebook milestone and decided to offer a giveaway to show their appreciation. Take a look at it. There is still time to enter.
AppleTV Hacks Giveaway
AppleTV Hacks Giveaway
Friday, August 17, 2012
Apple's Stock Continues to Surge
Should Apple represent USA in the olympics because they continually break records? It reached a record high on Thursday and Friday.
New Record High
New Record High
Is the iTV in Production?
This article suggests the iTV is already in full production. It's possible we could see it this year. Only time will tell if this rumor has any merit.
iTV in Production?
iTV in Production?
AT&T Won't Charge for FaceTime Over Cellular...But...
In this article, AT&T says it won't charge for using FaceTime over cellular...but...you must be on one of their new Mobile Share plans. It doesn't actually say but it seems like if you're using another data plan, you won't be able to use FaceTime over cellular.
AT&T Won't Charge for FaceTime Over Cellular
AT&T Won't Charge for FaceTime Over Cellular
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Pinterest IOS Apps
Now that Pininterest has gotten rid of its invitation only policy, they have released IOS apps. All the details are below.
Pininterests IOS Apps
Pininterests IOS Apps
Apple May Be Adopting Fingerprint Scanning
The article below discusses Apple's interest in AuthenTec, the company and the technology they offer. It looked like Apple moved quickly and aggressively to work with and acquire the company leading to speculation about why Apple made these moves.
Apple Possible Fingerprint Scanning
Apple Possible Fingerprint Scanning
Small Business Square Offer
Square is a company that lets you use your iPhone or iPad to receive credit card payments. Normally they charge a per swipe fee, but now for small businesses, the company is offering a flat fee. The details are below.
Small Business Square Offer
Small Business Square Offer
iPad Mini Rumors Continue
The rumors continue below for the iPad Mini. This is an interesting read but with so many rumors, it's difficult to know what's the truth.
More iPad Mini Rumors
More iPad Mini Rumors
What If The AppleTV Had Live Content?
What would you think if Apple provided live content? Perhaps with the AppleTV? Would that provide an edge over the competition? This article says Apple is in talks for just such a venture. More details below.
Apple in Talks for Live Content
Apple in Talks for Live Content
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Construction Alerts in IOS 6 Maps
Maps in IOS 6 will tell you about construction and even goes into more detailed information. Read the article below for all the details.
Construction Alerts in IOS 6 Maps
Construction Alerts in IOS 6 Maps
iPhone Works for the Government
Local and federal government have found uses for the iPhone. Read on to see the innovative ways the iPhone is used. See what cities are using the iPhones and how they use it.
iPhone Works for the Government
iPhone Works for the Government
EA's Future Plans
EA is a smart gaming company and they always seem to keep up with technology and market their games accordingly. This article discusses EA's future plans. This lets us know what we can expect and on what platforms.
EA's Future Plans
EA's Future Plans
Add Fonts to Notes on Mac
If you want to add more font options to Notes on Mac, here is a guide to help you.
Add Fonts to Notes on Mac
Add Fonts to Notes on Mac
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Project Red Bumper for iPhone 4/4S
Apple released a Project Red bumper for the iPhone 4/4S in support of the Aids campaign. Some people question why this was released with the new iPhone release expected soon. Though I would like to think everyone will upgrade to the new iPhone, the reality is the iPhone 4/4S may be offered at lower prices attracting buyers. People that buy the new iPhone will probably sell their current iPhone models so there should still be a customer base to purchase these bumpers.
Project Red Bumper for iPhone 4/4S
Project Red Bumper for iPhone 4/4S
OWC Offer Macbook W/Retina SSD Upgrade
Other World Computing offers lots of Mac upgrade options. That's where I purchased my memory upgrade for my Mac Mini (4 GB) and Macbook (8 GB). Now, they are offering an SSD upgrade for the Retina Macbook. Read the article and decide if this is something that interests you.
SSD Upgrade for Retina Macbook
SSD Upgrade for Retina Macbook
Lost Documents in iCloud
Have you ever lost documents in iCloud? I have not but I haven't used the feature in the ways described in the article yet. If I do in the future, I know which article I can refer back to for help.
Lost Documents in iCloud
Lost Documents in iCloud
Apple to Pay Dividend on Thursday
Apple will pay out it's first quarterly dividend to its shareholders on Thursday. Based on the article, it looks like the time has passed to get Thursday's dividend if you don't already own shares. But if you still want to purchase shares, go for it. The dividend will come back around next quarter.
Apple's Dividend
Apple's Dividend
The iPad is Still Alive and Kicking
Apple continues to hold a large share of the tablet market even with more competitors. Read on for the details on how well Apple is doing.
iPad Very Much Alive
iPad Very Much Alive
Fantasy Football With IOS Devices
This article discusses apps that can assist you in researching and creating your Fantasy Football team.
Fantasy Football IOS Devices
Fantasy Football IOS Devices
Delete Multiple Photos on IOS Devices
Yesterday, we looked at deleting photos on your iPhone using Image Capture, but you can also delete multiple photos on the device. This article provides the details for that so you can use whichever option works best for your needs.
Delete Multiple Photos on IOS Devices
Delete Multiple Photos on IOS Devices
Sprint Offers $100 Gift card With iPhone 4S Purchase
Sprint has already lowered the price of the iPhone 4S to $149. Now, they are offering a $100 gift card with the purchase. With all this combined, this could be a great incentive for buyers to get an iPhone 4S.
Sprint Offers Giftcard With iPhone 4S
Sprint Offers Giftcard With iPhone 4S
Monday, August 13, 2012
How To Delete All iPhone Photos at Once
I have an 16 GB iPhone 4 and I'm always getting close to running out of storage space. A lot of it is because of pictures (and apps). I'm not sure why I keep all my pictures when I know Photostream captures them and sends them to my Mac. With this article, I can delete them all and make space on my iPhone. Remember, like the article says, make sure you have your pictures backed up first. I'm going to try this now.
Delete All iPhone Photos at Once
Delete All iPhone Photos at Once
What Will Keep Investors in Apple?
This article suggests there are a couple of reasons for investors to buy Apple stocks. Apple has the new iPhone launch possibly right around the corner and a dividend payout coming up. I would like to see how high Apple's stock price can go.
Should You Invest in Apple?
Should You Invest in Apple?
Is Apple Focused on AppleTV or Apple TV Set?
Which idea do you prefer? AppleTV or an Apple TV set? I think lots of people are excited about the possibility of an Apple TV set. Do you think Apple will only focus on the AppleTV and scrap their plans for the TV set? This article suggests that. I'm still leaning towards the TV set. We'll see what Apple decides...hopefully by the end of the year.
AppleTV or Apple TV Set?
AppleTV or Apple TV Set?
Tired of Your iPhone Contract?
If you're tired of your iPhone contract, this article describes another option available. You don't need a contract and you will probably save money. It also offers a price comparison which may be helpful as you decide how you will purchase the next iPhone.
Tired of iPhone Contract?
Tired of iPhone Contract?
This is a bit of an interesting concept. This "theme" makes your iPad look like OSX. It looks like you can still launch your apps; your experience will just be more like OSX than IOS.
Will iPhone Preorders Begin Sept 12?
This article suggests that not only will the new iPhone be announced on Sept 12th, but that it will be available for preorder as well.
iPhone Preorder Sep 12?
iPhone Preorder Sep 12?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
New iPhone Rumor Summary
The guys over at Cult of Mac have created a summary of all the things they believe to be included in the next iPhone. For those of us still using the iPhone 4 or older devices, this will be a bit of a jump because we will get the features we missed from the 4S as well as the new features.
iPhone Rumor Summary
iPhone Rumor Summary
Must Have IOS Apps
Here is a little bit of information on some IOS apps you may like. Read through the article and decide if any of these apps appeal to you.
Must Have Apps
Must Have Apps
Wireless Charging on the Horizon
Hello everyone. Have you ever thought about being able to charge your IOS devices without a charger? This article talks about wirelessly charging devices in the not too far future. I like it when futuristic concepts become reality.
Wireless Charging on the Horizon
Wireless Charging on the Horizon
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Converting Music Files
Here are some questions and answers about music files. If you're new to music files or just interested in learning something new, it's worth a read.
Music Files Q&A
Music Files Q&A
Refurbished iPads--The New Ones!
Apple is offering refurbished iPads at discounted prices. The only thing better than getting the latest gadget is getting it at a discounted price. I don't know how many they have but if you want one, you should hurry. I have a refurbished Mac Mini (regular readers probably know this) and it has worked perfectly for about 4 years now.
Refurbished iPads
Refurbished iPads
Some Mountain Lion Bugs and Fixes
If you use a proxy or Snapz Pro software, you may experience issues with Mountain Lion. The article below describes the issue and offers solutions to help. I'm not sure how common these issues are. Let me know if you've experienced either.
Mountain Lion Bugs
Mountain Lion Bugs
Friday, August 10, 2012
Apple Retail Stores Price Matching iPhones
Apple retail stores are price matching iPhone discounts from approved major retailers. Read the article for all the details.
Apple Retail Stores Price Matching iPhones
Apple Retail Stores Price Matching iPhones
Thursday, August 9, 2012
IOS Accessories
Take a moment to look at some of the accessories for IOS devices. I try to be mature but I'm a big kid...staring at the CarBot now.
IOS Accessories
IOS Accessories
New WiFi Feature in IOS 6
IOS 6 hasn't been released to the masses yet, but one feature is worth noting. Imagine if your phone realized your WiFi was sluggish or messing up, and automatically switched to cellular data for you. More details are below.
WiFi Feature in IOS 6
WiFi Feature in IOS 6
Does Mountain Lion Degrade Your Battery Life?
Some tests are saying Mountain Lion degrades the battery life of some computers. I doesn't say if other Macbooks are affected but does mention the Macbook Pro with Retina. What is your experience if you have already upgraded?
Lion Degrades Battery Life
Lion Degrades Battery Life
New iPad Television Ad
Apple has released a new iPad ad. Even though I have an iPad, I still watch the device in awe during the commercial. Take a look at the ad below.
New iPad Ad
New iPad Ad
iCloud Password Resets Over Phone Halted
Apple has halted iCloud password resets in response to the reports that a user's account was hacked by social engineering the phone reset process.
iCloud Password Resets Over Phone Halted
iCloud Password Resets Over Phone Halted
Apple's New Dock Connector
Rumor has it...Apple's new dock connector may be smaller than expected. Article below.
Apple's New Dock Connector
Apple's New Dock Connector
Steam Store to Expand
Valve, the company that created the Steam Store is looking to expand its offerings. In the past, Steam was known for gaming. That is allowing users to play games online where the servers do all the heavy lifting, not your computer. If the Steam Store expands, it could create more software options. Read on for more details.
Steam Store to Expand
Steam Store to Expand
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sprint Lowers iPhone 4S Price
With the new iPhone release expected, Sprint has lowed the price on the 16 GB iPhone 4S to $150 with a 2 year service plan. This could be a good opportunity for anyone wanting a phone with Siri and saving money. I think most people are waiting for the new iPhone though.
Sprint Lowers iPhone 4S Price
Sprint Lowers iPhone 4S Price
Fitbit Ultra Review
Below is a review for Fitbit Ultra. If you're into fitness such as walking, running, or hiking, this may be a good gadget to add to your IOS device. Check out the review to find out.
Fitbit Ultra Review
Fitbit Ultra Review
Apple Security
If you haven't heard yet, a journalist said he was hacked as a result of Apple support resetting his password for someone other than him. This article tells you tips to protect your information and devices.
Apple Security
Apple Security
Solar Weather App Review
Below is a review for the Solar Weather App. Simple design, nice color scheme. Read more to see if this app is a good fit for you.
Solar Weather App Review
Monday, August 6, 2012
Possible iPhone Launch Leads to Trade-Ins
People are awaiting the new iPhone and some believe it will be here sooner than later. Because of some launch rumors, people are already trading in older models to get the most money for their devices.
Possible iPhone Launch Leads to Trade-Ins
Possible iPhone Launch Leads to Trade-Ins
Another iPhone Carrier Option
While reading about the AT&T mobile share plan, I thought about another option. I'm not saying it's a better option...just an option...because it depends on what you prefer. Ok, quick story! A few years ago, I purchased my iPhone overseas unlocked so I could use any carrier and also use the prepaid option if I wanted. I could change my carrier settings or APN. When I returned to the U.S., I went to the major iPhone carrier and purchased a prepaid sim thinking my phone is unlocked and I can save money with a prepaid plan. Data did not work so I went into the settings to change the carrier settings...but the option was gone! My phone was unlocked but the carrier prevented me from being able to change my APN. Frustrated, I looked online and found the website below...and my data began working (without jailbreaking). This all happened a while ago and it looks like the website has grown. Now it provides more options for more carriers around the world. Let me know if this helps you or what you think about it. It may not be useful for those on contract.
Another iPhone Carrier Option
Another iPhone Carrier Option
AT&T Mobile Share Plans
Do you have a lot of mobile devices? Does your family? AT&T is launching their mobile share plans so you can share your data while having unlimited talk and text messages. Details and pricing is below.
AT&T Mobile Share Plans
AT&T Mobile Share Plans
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Mac OSX Password Generator
I learn something new everyday. I just learned that OSX has a password generator. This is good to know. It's difficult trying to think of strong, memorable passwords for all the various accounts I have. If you have the same issue, read the article for how to access the password generator.
Mac Password Generator
Mac Password Generator
Name That Tune Apps Reviewed
Have you ever listened to a song and wanted to know the name of it? Well, there are a few apps that can assist you. Macworld recently reviewed some of them. The results are below.
Tips For Using Apple's Pages
Pages is Apple's word processing application. Most users are accustomed to Microsoft Word because it's always been connected to computing. Now that you own a Mac or are contemplating purchasing a Mac, it may be a good idea to try out Pages. It's not going to be just like Word, but it may offer features that you may prefer. I won't say which word processing application I prefer because I'm still learning about Pages. I'm just letting you know about your options. Below are a few tips to help you get the most out of your Pages experience.
Tips for Using Pages
Apple's Pages Info Page
Tips for Using Pages
Apple's Pages Info Page
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Real Racing 3 Preview for IOS
This is good news for IOS gamers. Looking at the preview for Real Racing 3, it's good...hard to believe this will be on an iPhone or iPad. It should be released later this year but no date is set in stone yet. While reading the article below and watching the preview included, make sure you take a look at the comments. There are some interesting comments about another game, Asphalt 7, that's already available in the App Store.
Real Racing 3 Preview
Real Racing 3 Preview
Projectbook App for iPad
Most of us take notes. Some of us create tasks so we can track what we need to do. There is a new iPad app, Projectbook, that should make our lives easier. We can connect our notes to tasks, but that's only the beginning to what this app can do. If you like it and want it, you need to get it soon because the price is discounted for a limited time. Read on for all the details.
Projectbook App for iPad
Projectbook App for iPad
Power Nap on Macs
A new feature included in Mountain Lion is Power Nap. This allows your Mac to continue to update while it is sleeping ensuring your Mac is current when you wake it from its slumber. Read below for more details.
Power Nap for Macs
Power Nap for Macs
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Bladepad for iPhone
Do you like gaming on your iPhone? With Bladepad, a game controller is added to your iPhone. It's not a bad idea but adding anything to the iPhone can make the device seem bulky. Just my opinion. If you like the idea, you can help fund the startup and get a Bladepad.
Bladepad for iPhone
Bladepad for iPhone
Retina Macbook Shipping Estimates Improve Again
The Macbook with Retina display shipping estimates continue to improve. Now, you should receive new orders in 5-7 business days.
Retina Macbook Shipping
Retina Macbook Shipping
Apple Researching Smarter Smart Covers
Apple is researching smarter smart covers. It is an interesting concept. I never imagined the possibilities. Displays, keyboards, and solar cells.
Apple Researching Smarter Smart Covers
Apple Researching Smarter Smart Covers
Fanhattan App Improvements
If you haven't heard of the Fanhattan app, it's time to get educated on it. Just joking, I've only heard about it briefly. But seriously, this sounds like a great app. Remember all the media content apps you like? Netflix, Hulu, Crackle, Fandango? This app consolidates a lot of your favorite media apps. Now they have added more media sources such as HBO Go and NBC. Read on for more details. This is only good news for your IOS devices (iPod, iPhone, and iPad)! I'm downloading it now!
Fanhattan App Gets Better
Fanhattan App Gets Better
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
MobileMe is No More
The MobileMe era is over. The future is here with iCloud. Along with MobileMe ending, iWork.com is done as well.
Goodbye MobileMe
Goodbye MobileMe
Amazon Releases iPad App
Amazon released an iPad app for their Instant Video service. This is another app for the iPad to add access to more streaming media content. If you already subscribe to Amazon's service, now it's available on the iPad. If you're not a subscriber, it's worth looking into.
Amazon Releases iPad App
Amazon Releases iPad App
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